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Staccato C2 Disassembly

Published: August 26, 2024|By Staccato

Step-by-step instructions to disassemble and reassemble your Staccato C2 2011.

Staccato C2

The embedded video, produced by our Customer Service Team, serves as this week’s installment of Maintenance Monday – covering basic disassembly/reassembly of the Staccato C2. You are welcome to follow our step-by-step written instructions or simply follow along in the video. If you have any other maintenance/disassembly questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at customer.service@staccato2011.com


  1. Ensure the pistol is pointed in a safe direction.
  2. Rack the slide to the rear and visually inspect the chamber and mag well to make sure the pistol is empty.
  3. Remove the slide stop to separate the top end from the lower.
  4. Pull the slide back to line up to take down notch on the slide with the slide stop knuckle.
  5. Push on the slide stop pin from the opposite side of your pistol using your finger or a small tool and remove the slide stop.
  6. Gently pull the slide forward and off of the frame.
  7. Use your thumb to capture the recoil master guide rod, as you clear the frame. And pull the guide rod, reverse plug and spring out of the slide.
  8. Slide the link forward on the barrel and pull it out from the muzzle end of the slide.
  9. Use your brush attachments and a cleaning rag or paper towel to clear away debris from the slide rails, frame surfaces, and barrel feed ramp.
  10. Use a bore brush to clean the bore of your barrel utilizing the memory flex cable to brush the bore from breech to muzzle. Repeat this step as needed.
  11. Apply a small amount of CLP to your bore mop and oil the bore of your barrel.
  12. Using a clean patch, wipe away excess oil from the inside of your barrel.
  13. Remove any carbon buildup inside your compensator with a brush or a scraper and apply a thin layer of CLP to the inside of the comp.
  14. Apply a few drops of lubricant to your slide rails and barrel contact points.


  1. Ensure the link is flipped forward towards the muzzle and reinstall the barrel.
  2. Insert your reverse plug, spring and your guide rod.
  3. Use your thumb to capture the recoil system against your barrel.
  4. Line up the slide rails to the corresponding rails on the frame and reinstall your slide. NOTE: Ensure that the guide rod flange is pushed up against the barrel and not kicking out towards the frame, and that the barrel is not rotated to. This can prevent the top end from fully sliding on to the lower.
  5. Look for the link through the slide stop hole in your frame. The pin must slide through the hole in your link in order to function properly.
  6. If the link is not lined up to the hole, simply use a small tool to drop it into place.
  7. Insert your slide stop into the frame through the link hole and rest it gently against your frame.
  8. Pull the slide back to line up your takedown notch with the knuckle on your slide stop and fully seat the slide stops into your frame.
  9. Rack the slide to check for proper function.

NOTE: Although we showed you how to do this with a C2 that has a compensator on it, this process would be the same if you have a bull barrel C2.